Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Você fala português? Do you speak Portuguese?

Aside from fundraising, we need to make sure we can connect with locals once we get to Brazil. A no-brainer right?

However, the majority of us don't speak a lick of Portuguese - which is where one of our advisors, Ojana comes in! A native Brazilian, she is helping us learn some Portuguese at the end of our weekly meetings. This will be a huge help once we get to Brazil - hopefully we can all get the hang of the basics before May!

Fancy learning some yourself? Check out these helpful phrases:

Como você se chama?/ Qual é o seu nome? - What is your name?

Eu me chamo Sarah/Meu nome é Sarah. - My name is Sarah.

Eu sou bonita - I am pretty.

Tu és chata - You are boring.

Ele/Ela/Você é inteligente - He/She/You are smart.

Nós somos preguiçosos - We are lazy.

Vós sois gentis - You are kind.

Eles são engraçados - They are funny.

Congratulations! You now know a little Portuguese!

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